COVID-19 has lead to the government putting in place circuit breaker restrictions until 1 June 2020 in order to help flatten the curve. During this time, many non-essential businesses in Singapore have been shut down. However, Orchard Scotts Dental is happy to announce that we are still providing essential services during this time.
While Orchard Scotts Dental normally offers such services as Invisalign, porcelain veneers, and smile makeover, we are currently offering essential services only. If you’re in need of a dentist, Singapore clinic Orchard Scotts Dental is happy to help. We have put into place the necessary workplace safeguards to ensure your safety during this time, as well as offering virtual consultation to provide additional service.
Workplace Safeguards
If you have pain, swelling, or any infections in the jaw, mouth, and gum region, give us a call. We are open to provide emergency services to help ensure your dental health during this troubling time. In order to assuage your fears about infection control at our dental clinic, Singapore workplace safeguards have been put in place. We implement safe distancing measures and ensure that all of our employees wear masks.
In addition to these required safeguards, we have a few of our own. When you first arrive at the clinic, every patient is screened by having their temperature taken. We then get patients to use hand sanitizer before filling out a health declaration form. Our staff then verifies this information according to the MOH guidelines to ensure the health declaration is clear.
Once cleared, we direct the patient over to our reception area. If the patient is not cleared, then the appointment will have to be postponed. Once they arrive at our reception area, the patient will hand over their health declaration form for our staff to go over again. This helps us make sure that no patient slips through the cracks to present a risk of infection for our other patients or our staff. The patient will then be seated in the waiting area where they will observe the proper social distancing measures.
Inside the treatment room, we wrap all frequently handled areas with a disposable barrier to prevent contamination. Our team also wears personal protective equipment in accordance with MOH guidelines. Once the patient is seated in the treatment room, we request them to use a mouthwash in order to rinse and disinfect their oral cavity prior to the procedure. We also provide all our patients with protective eyewear during the procedure. We remove all disposable barriers and thoroughly disinfect the dental chair after every patient.
Virtual Consultation
If you’re unsure as to whether or not you should come down and see us at our dental clinic, you can call us at 6732 9939 or Whatsapp us at 8223 6334. You can also take advantage of our virtual consultation services that we provide. Our virtual consultation services are available to help you determine whether or not you can benefit from dental or orthodontic treatment.
The way it works is that we have you fill out a form and take a few photos of your teeth. We then have you upload the photos and send them off to be reviewed by one of our dental practitioners. You’ll get a customised report from our dentists to advise you on whether or not you can benefit from a certain treatment.
Although we are only providing emergency dental services during this circuit breaker period, you can take advantage of our virtual consultation service to determine whether or not you should consider a cosmetic service once the circuit breaker period has ended. If you’re think you need your teeth straightened, dental implants for missing teeth or whitening for stained teeth, you will have to wait for a while. Singapore may not currently allow these cosmetic services to be performed during the circuit breaker period, but virtual consultation helps you get the ball rolling for when we can start offering these signature services again.
Another fun tool that Orchard Scotts Dental has launched is the mySmileSim app. We’ve partnered with mySmileSim to give you a fun, free, and useful tool to help you see the way cosmetic dental treatment can transform your smile. This free app can be installed on your mobile device.
You’ll simply take a selfie of your smile, and then we will send you back a computer simulation of what you would look like with several different treatment options. You can see a simulation of what you have to look forward to after receiving gum recontouring or invisible braces. Orchard Scotts Dental knows that you’d love to see the finished product before you try out a service, which is why we created this fun tool for you to take advantage of.
The Circuit Breaker Essential Kit
To keep your oral hygiene at tip top condition, Orchard Scotts Dental has also curated this essential kit for you to help you to tide through this difficult period.
Although we are cosmetic dental clinic, Singapore guidelines for the circuit breaker period allow us to continue to operate and provide essential and emergency services. So while you can’t yet take advantage of our smile makeover or Invisalign services, it doesn’t mean you can’t stop by to have us take care of your emergency dental needs. Through virtual consultation and our mySmileSim app, you can explore your future cosmetic surgery options and look forward to the day when this pandemic is over. We here at Orchard Scotts Dental will be delighted to help you when that day comes!
Contact us if you have any queries you can call us at +65 6732 9939.