An attractive smile can make the day better for you – just ask the new Miss Universe Singapore Zahra Khanum. Her million-dollar smile won her the pageant and now she is on her way to charm global audiences with her stunning beauty. Of course, Orchard Scotts Dental had a role to play in creating her beautiful smile.
Visiting a dental clinic in Singapore is critically important for preventative dental care; in short, getting your mouth and teeth examined and cleaned at least twice yearly by a dentist is key to preventing oral health issues.
However, some people just can’t bring themselves to visit a dentist due to fear and anxiety. They would rather endure the pain of a cavity than brave the situation.
Studies suggest that such anxiety is often triggered by even the most harmless situations, such as meeting the receptionist or making an appointment.
Most dentists in Singapore take a two-pronged approach to this issue – first, they identify the source and level of anxiety and then they devise a proper treatment plan with the help of an anaesthetist that involves sedation dentistry.
What Is Sedation Dentistry?
Sedation dentistry was developed to ease the stress and anxiety of dental patients, allowing them to relax and stay clam during an exam or procedure.
Specifically, an anaesthetist administers the required drug before or during the procedure that relaxes you, but won’t entirely knock you out. Simply put, patients are usually awake for the treatment (unless they opt for general anaesthesia).
Remember, an anaesthetist is always on hand for all complex surgical dental cases such as the removal of wisdom tooth or surgical tooth implants. They can help make the experience as comfortable as possible for anxious patients.
Here is how sedation dentistry is applied:
Intravenous Sedation
This is a stronger form of sedation where an anaesthetist injects a sedative into a vein in the arm.
Intravenous sedation is typically used for extremely nervous patients who have to undergo long and complicated dental procedures. It helps them relax, get over their fears and anxieties, and still stay awake throughout the procedure.
Once the check-up or treatment is over, the patient continues to be monitored until they are deemed fit to be discharged.
Nitrous Oxide (Also Called Laughing Gas)
A dentist in Singapore can administer nitrous oxide themselves to calm a patient during a dental surgical procedure. The patient inhales this gas via a rubber face mask with instant results; however, the effect wears off rapidly once the gas is turned off.
This is considered a very reliable method of getting patients to relax and the results are superior as well. In fact, as per research: “The induction and recovery times were significantly shorter with nitrous oxide and the standard of dental treatment was better.”
As soon as the procedure is over and the effect of the laughing gas wears off, patients can drive home by themselves.
Some people believe that general anaesthesia is the best option for them during a dental procedure. The reality is that it has more potential side effects compared to other forms of sedation dentistry as it renders the patients unresponsive and unconscious.
In addition, it can cause temporary memory loss, nausea, dizziness and patients may also experience bruising and soreness after waking up.
The Advantages Of Sedation Dentistry
Sedation is the safest and most effective way to relieve the fear associated with a visit to the dentist. Other benefits of it include:
- Relaxation – Decreases stress and helps you remain calm
- Control of Gag Reflex – Helps you overcome gag reflexes, enabling you to get quality treatment
- Movement Control – Reduces involuntary movements and helps the dentist carry out the treatment in a more comprehensive manner
- Cooperation – A restless patient can become uncooperative, making it difficult for the dentist to deliver proper dental care
Do You Need Sedation Dentistry?
Patients consider undergoing sedation dentistry for a variety of reasons.
Do you recognize any of the following issues within you? If the answer is yes, then you may be the right candidate for sedation dentistry.
- Past traumatic experience with dental work
- Low pain threshold
- Sensitive oral nerves
- Sore mouth due to extended dental work
- Resistance or allergy to local anaesthesia
- General anxiety disorder
- Concern about keeping the mouth open for long periods
- A pronounced gag reflex
- Complex medical condition
- Physical and/or mental disabilities
- Time constraint — want to undergo several procedures in fewer visits
If you have any of these problems, then it’s a good idea to ask your dentist about sedation dentistry.
Will You Benefit From Sedation Dentistry?
Dentists apply sedation dentistry for a variety of dental work, including dental extractions, dental implantation and root canal to name a few. It’s important to note that sedation is not considered a good idea for regular cleaning and routine care, unless absolutely necessary.
If you have a fear of needles, then IV sedation itself may cause more trouble than the dental work. In such a case, dentists simply use Nitrous Oxide gas to sedate you.
Similarly, if you are worried about being vulnerable or the sedation wearing off while you are in the chair, then a local anaesthetic might be your best bet.
Simply put, it is possible to have an entirely pain-free and relaxing experience when you go for your dental treatment with this option.
You Can Count On Orchard Scotts Dental
We know that dental procedures aren’t easy or comfortable which is why we offer sedation dentistry solutions with qualified dentists and anaesthetists to ensure that you feel at ease.
Once you have made the choice to go ahead with this, we will explain all the available options to you and ensure that it is the best course of action.
If you have any queries or concerns about Sedation Dentistry at Orchard Scotts Dental, contact us to find out more. Let us help you begin your journey to better oral health and a perfect smile, as comfortably as possible.